
 About ­

I am Elisabeth Johnson, baker and owner of Rosemary & Lavender Bakery in Rochester, MN. I specialize in clean artisan food using local ingredients. I started the bakery in May 2019 with a vision to connect the consumer to the grower through my baked goods. I promote a slow food ethic by recognizing where my ingredients come from and making food that is worth savoring. I am proud to be a producer in the Rochester community and to work alongside Minnesota farmers to create special baked goods.

I celebrate the indispensable role of food in our cultural experience. My menu items reflect my ancestral heritage, places I’ve lived, countries I’ve visited, and friends I’ve made from around the world.

Rosemary & Lavender Bakery is a registered cottage bakery. I bake out of my home and make everything to order with support from my husband and son who are my companions in this adventure. Menu and custom items can be ordered by emailing me at I also sell at the Rochester Farmers Market about twice a month. I look forward to baking for you!